How much money makes Brian Cadd? Net worth


Brian Cadd Net Worth

How rich is Brian Cadd? For this question we spent 24 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Musicians
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $5,3 Million.



Brian Cadd information Birth date: November 29, 1946 Birth place: Perth, Australia Profession:Composer, Soundtrack, Actor Children:Nick Cadd Music groups:Axiom, The Groop, The Flying Burrito Brothers

Height, Weight

:How tall is Brian Cadd – 1,71m.
How much weight is Brian Cadd – 73kg


Brian Cadd Net Worth
Brian Cadd Net Worth
Brian Cadd Net Worth
Brian Cadd Net Worth


Brian George Cadd (born 29 November 1946, Perth, Western Australia) is an Australian singer-songwriter, keyboardist and producer who has performed as a member of The Groop, Axiom, Flying Burrito Brothers and solo. Although he was briefly called Brian Caine in late 1966, when first joining The Groop, he is generally known as Brian Cadd.Cadd produced fellow Australian acts, Robin Jolley, Ronnie Burns, Broderick Smith, Tina Arena and Glenn Shorrock, and established his own record label called Bootleg Records. He also composed or performed music for films, Alvin Purple, Alvin Purple Rides Again, Fatal Vision, The Return of the Living Dead, Vampires on Bikini Beach, Morning of the Earth and The Heartbreak Kid and for television Class of 74, The Midnight Special and Don Kirshners Rock Concert. His songwriting for other acts includes The Masters Apprentices, Bootleg Family Band, Ronnie Burns, The Pointer Sisters and Little River Band.Cadds iconic status was acknowledged when he was inducted into the 2007 Australian Recording Industry Association (ARIA) Hall of Fame.
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Wikipedia Source: Brian Cadd

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