How rich is Keith Lancaster? Net Worth, Money


Keith Lancaster Net Worth

Keith Lancaster how much money? For this question we spent 15 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $190,8 Million.



Keith Lancaster information Profession:Actor

Height, Weight

:How tall is Keith Lancaster – 1,66m.
How much weight is Keith Lancaster – 62kg


Keith Lancaster Net Worth
Keith Lancaster Net Worth
Keith Lancaster Net Worth
Keith Lancaster Net Worth


Keith Lancaster is a singer, songwriter, composer, producer and executive at The Acappella Company.In 1982, Keith began pursuit of his dream to spread the Gospel through a cappella music by creating Acappella Ministries in his hometown of Paris, Tennessee. Through this ministry, a quartet was formed, that ultimately became known as the musical group Acappella.Acappella released its first album in 1984, written and produced by Keith, who also sang lead. Acappella released two more albums before Keith stepped back from an on-stage role in 1988, to dedicate his time to song writing and production for the group.In 1986, Keith put together the vocal group Acappella Vocal Band (AVB) to augment the ministry of Acappella. By this time, both groups began recording and performing primarily original music, much of which was composed by Keith. Each group took a unique focus to spread the appeal of the ministry. Acappella focused on adult contemporary, while AVB was geared towards a more youthful market.The ministry Keith founded eventually became The Acappella Company, which serves as an umbrella organization for all of his related projects, such as Acappella, AVB and Durant.Keith continues to produce various projects, work as a worship minister at the Park Plaza Church of Christ in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and be heavily involved with The Acappella Companys leadership, but he has now began to focus on traveling the world and presenting his Praise & Harmony Workshops at various congregations, primarily churches of Christ.Keith is married to Sharon, and has several children (Melissa, Kimberly, Anthony, and Allison) who are actively involved in the work of The Acappella Companys vocal bands.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Keith Lancaster

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