How rich is Jayasurya? Net Worth


Jayasurya Net Worth

How rich is Jayasurya? For this question we spent 10 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $191,1 Million.



Jayasurya information Birth date: 1978-08-30 Birth place: Thrippunithura, Kochi, India Profession:Actor, Producer Spouse:Saritha Jayasurya Children:Adwaith, Veda Parents:Mani, Thankam

Height, Weight

:How tall is Jayasurya – 1,86m.
How much weight is Jayasurya – 57kg


Jayasurya Net Worth
Jayasurya Net Worth
Jayasurya Net Worth
Jayasurya Net Worth


Jayasurya (born on 30 August 1978 in Thrippunithura, India) is an Indian film actor and comedian. He has starred in more than 50 Malayalam films.Jayasurya made his debut in 2001 in the Malayalam film Dosth as a junior artist. Oomappenninu Uriyadappayyan (2002) was his break-out role. His performances in films such as Swapnakkoodu (2003), Pulival Kalyanam (2003), Chathikkatha Chanthu (2004), Classmates (2006), Arabikkatha (2007), Shakespeare M.A. Malayalam (2008), and Gulumaal (2009) were highly appreciated. By the 2010s, Jayasurya had started acting in more drama-centric roles with films such as Cocktail (2010), Beautiful (2011), Trivandrum Lodge (2012), English (2013) and Punyalan Agarbattis (2013).
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Wikipedia Source: Jayasurya

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