Marcel Rouff Net Worth
How Much money Marcel Rouff has? For this question we spent 21 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.
The main source of income: Authors
Total Net Worth at the moment year – is about $131 Million.
Marcel Rouff information Birth date: 1877-01-01 Death date: 1936-01-01 Profession:Writer
Height, Weight:
How tall is Marcel Rouff – 1,75m.
How much weight is Marcel Rouff – 61kg
Marcel Rouff (1877 in Geneva – 1936 in Paris) was a novelist, poet, critic, and historian, a friend of Curnonsky and his collaborator on La France gastronomique.He is perhaps best known for his account of the fictional gourmet Dodin-Bouffant, La vie et la passion de Dodin-Bouffant, gourmet (translated as The Passionate Epicure) published in 1924 and dedicated to Brillat-Savarin.His father Jules Rouff published Jean Jaur?ss Histoire socialiste, which Marcel contributed to.He was a founding member of the Acad?mie des gastronomes.
The information is not available
Wikipedia Source: Marcel Rouff