Colin Cowie Net Worth

Colin Cowie Net Worth

How rich is Colin Cowie? For this question we spent 15 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Producers
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $41,7 Million.



Colin Cowie information Birth date: January 3, 1962 Birth place: Kitwe, Zambia Profession:Producer

Height, Weight:

How tall is Colin Cowie – 1,60m.
How much weight is Colin Cowie – 81kg


Colin Cowie Net Worth
Colin Cowie Net Worth
Colin Cowie Net Worth
Colin Cowie Net Worth


Colin Andrew Wilkie Cowie (born 3 January 1962) is a South African lifestyle guru and party planner to the stars, television personality and writer.Cowie was born in Kitwe, Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland (now Zambia), but educated in South Africa. He moved to the United States in 1985. He is also an acclaimed interior designer with projects around the world including The Mira Hong Kong in Hong Kong.Cowie regularly appears on the Today Show, The Oprah Winfrey Show and The Ellen DeGeneres Show. He was a contributing family member to the CBS Early Show for 8 years and is currently host of the daily wedding planning show, Get Married on Lifetime TV, on which he shares his professional expertise with brides-to-be on fashion, decorating, and other wedding related topics. Cowie has been profiled and quoted extensively in many periodicals, including The New York Times, People, Architectural Digest, In Style, Town & Country, Us Weekly, Readers Digest, USA Today, TV Guide, The Los Angeles Times, Modern Bride and the Chicago Daily Herald.Cowie was the host of the television series Everyday Elegance.He has written eight books, including five wedding books (Colin Cowie Weddings, For The Bride, For The Groom, Extraordinary Weddings, Colin Cowie Wedding Chic), two entertaining cookbooks (Effortless Elegance, Dinner After Dark) and a book on living with style (Colin Cowie Chic), and three on design.
Biography,Cowie was born in Kitwe, Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland (now Zambia), but educated in South Africa. He moved to the United States in 1985. He is also an acclaimed interior designer with projects around the world including The Mira Hong Kong in Hong Kong.Cowie regularly appears on the Today Show, The Oprah Winfrey Show and The Ellen DeGeneres Show. He was a contributing family member to the CBS Early Show for 8 years and is currently host of the daily wedding planning show, Get Married on Lifetime TV, on which he shares his professional expertise with brides-to-be on fashion, decorating, and other wedding related topics. Cowie has been profiled and quoted extensively in many periodicals, including The New York Times, People, Architectural Digest, In Style, Town & Country, Us Weekly, Readers Digest, USA Today, TV Guide, The Los Angeles Times, Modern Bride and the Chicago Daily Herald.Cowie was the host of the television series Everyday Elegance.He has written eight books, including five wedding books (Colin Cowie Weddings, For The Bride, For The Groom, Extraordinary Weddings, Colin Cowie Wedding Chic), two entertaining cookbooks (Effortless Elegance, Dinner After Dark) and a book on living with style (Colin Cowie Chic), and three on design.


Wikipedia Source: Colin Cowie

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