Howie Gordon Net Worth
How Much money Howie Gordon has? For this question we spent 29 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.
The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $159,7 Million.
Howie Gordon information Birth date: 1971-01-07 Profession:Actor Education:Southern Illinois University
Height, Weight:
How tall is Howie Gordon – 1,75m.
How much weight is Howie Gordon – 66kg
Howie Gordon (also known as Big Boy and Hurricane Howie, born January 7, 1971), was a contestant on the sixth and All-Star seasons of the American version of the CBS reality show Big Brother.
Biography,Gordon was born at Illinois Masonic Hospital in Indianapolis, Indiana. He enjoyed the outdoors and animals. In the summer before 8th grade, he injured his hand playing with fireworks, Most of his life he lived in Chicago. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, his mother and father took him to California and Florida.In his early 20s, Gordon attended Southern Illinois University as a student. A year later he attended the University of South Florida in Tampa. After college, he went into sales. Ultimately he hoped to become a meteorologist.Howie Gordon graduated with a degree in Meteorology in 2010 and started applying for positions in Meteorology. He briefly worked in sales in Chicago, Illinois, but now works as a meteorologist for
Wikipedia Source: Howie Gordon