How much money makes Ian Hill? Net worth

Ian Hill Net Worth

How rich is Ian Hill? For this question we spent 17 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Celebrities
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $7,6 Million.



Ian Hill information Birth date: 1951-01-20 Birth place: West Bromwich, England Profession:Art Department

Height, Weight:

How tall is Ian Hill – 1,63m.
How much weight is Ian Hill – 82kg


Ian Hill Net Worth
Ian Hill Net Worth
Ian Hill Net Worth
Ian Hill Net Worth


Ian Hill (born Ian Frank Hill, 20 January 1951, in Yew Tree Estate, West Bromwich, England) is a founder member and bassist for the Birmingham-based Grammy award winning heavy metal band, Judas Priest. His only three songwriter credits for Judas Priest are Winter and Caviar and Meths, both featured on the first Priest-album Rocka Rolla, and Invader, featured on Stained Class. As of 2011, Hill is the sole constant member of Judas Priest following the departure of KK Downing.
Biography,Hill learned how to play the double bass from his father, a bass player for local jazz acts. His father died when he was only fifteen, but his contribution to Hill was the foundation for years to come. In 1970, together with schoolmate K.K. Downing, Hill formed pioneering heavy metal band Judas Priest. He has been playing bass with the band ever since, and is the only remaining original member following Downings departure in 2011.Hill is known[citation needed] for his solid and melodic bass playing, which proved to be the ideal background for the dual guitars of K. K. Downing and Glenn Tipton and Rob Halfords operatic vocals. During the early years of the band, he played bass by finger-picking, but he began later playing with a pick, which he feels adds attack to the songs. On rare occasions, he still plays with his fingers.Hill is responsible for bringing Rob Halford into Judas Priest. The two met while Hill was dating Halfords sister and mentioned that he needed a new vocalist for his band. Halford accepted, leaving his previous band Hiroshima, and brought along drummer John Hinch, who would later be dropped by the band after one album due to musical inadequacy, according to Tipton in later years.[citation needed]


Wikipedia Source: Ian Hill

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