How much money makes Parley Baer? Net worth

Parley Baer Net Worth

How rich is Parley Edward Baer? For this question we spent 12 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $10,2 Million.



Parley Edward Baer information Birth date: August 5, 1914, Salt Lake City, Utah, United States Death date: November 22, 2002, Los Angeles, California, United States Birth place: Salt Lake City, Utah, USA Profession:Actor, Soundtrack Spouse:Ernestine Baer (m. 1946–2000) Children:Dale Baer, Kim Baer

Height, Weight:

How tall is Parley Baer – 1,77m.
How much weight is Parley Baer – 52kg


Parley Baer Net Worth
Parley Baer Net Worth
Parley Baer Net Worth
Parley Baer Net Worth


The radio station in Salt Lake City Mr. Bear is reported as working at is KSL, not SLM as noted. The FCC assigns call letters in the U.S. radio stations beginning with the letters A, K, N and W. Generally, broadcast stations west of the Mississippi river are assigned a K as the first letter. KSL is in Salt Lake City, Utah. Reference: The FCC …
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Parley Baer

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