How rich is Vasile Alecsandri in 2024?

Vasile Alecsandri Net Worth

How Much money Vasile Alecsandri has? For this question we spent 19 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Authors
Total Net Worth at the moment year – is about $65,1 Million.



Vasile Alecsandri information Birth date: July 21, 1821, Bac?u, Romania Death date: August 22, 1890, Mirce?ti Birth place: Bacau, Bacau, Moldova (now Romania) Profession:Writer Spouse:Paulina Lucasievici (m. 1876–1890) Children:Maria Alecsandri Parents:Elena Cozoni, Vasile Alecsandri Siblings:Iancu Alecsandri

Height, Weight:

How tall is Vasile Alecsandri – 1,67m.
How much weight is Vasile Alecsandri – 81kg


Vasile Alecsandri Net Worth
Vasile Alecsandri Net Worth
Vasile Alecsandri Net Worth
Vasile Alecsandri Net Worth


Vasile Alecsandri (spelled Alecsandri not Alexandri , according to his choice!) is one of the great Romanian lyric poets and dramatists. Born in Bacau, Moldova on 14 June 1821, studied in Iasi Moldova and Paris France. In 1848 he was active in the liberal revolution, which stormed all over Europe and because of repression, went on exile and …
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Vasile Alecsandri

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