John Stoddart Net Worth 2024

John Stoddart Net Worth

John Stoddart makes how much a year? For this question we spent 26 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Designers
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $67,8 Million.



John Stoddart information Birth date: 1773-02-06 Death date: 1856-02-16 Birth place: Salisbury, England Profession:Production Designer Spouse:Isabella Wellwood-Moncrieff

Height, Weight:

How tall is John Stoddart – 1,83m.
How much weight is John Stoddart – 68kg


John Stoddart Net Worth
John Stoddart Net Worth
John Stoddart Net Worth
John Stoddart Net Worth


Biography,Stoddart, eldest son of John Stoddart, lieutenant in the Royal Navy, was born at Salisbury. His only sister, Sarah, married, on 1 May 1808, William Hazlitt. He was educated at Salisbury grammar school, and matriculated on 25 Oct. 1790 from Christ Church, Oxford, where he was elected a student in 1791, and graduated B.A. in 1794, B.C.L. in 1798, and D.C.L. in 1801. He was admitted a member of the College of Advocates in 1801, and from 1803 to 1807 he was the kings and the admiralty advocate at Malta. During his time in Malta Stoddart was visited for a short time by the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge who eventually was placed in the post of Public Secretary to the government.Foray into journalismAfter returning to England, Stoddart practiced in Doctors Commons. In 1810, he started an association with The Times, and served as a leader-writer for the paper beginning in 1812. In April 1814, Stoddart entered into an agreement with John Walter, the owner of The Times, in which he was named editor of the newspaper. A staunch Tory, Stoddarts intemperate articles soon generated much criticism. After Stoddart refused Walters entreaties to moderate his tone, Walter empowered Thomas Barnes, then a reporter, to edit Stoddarts leading articles. Ultimately, Stoddarts political excesses grew to the point where Walter was forced to dismiss him at the end of 1816. Barnes was named as his successor.Two months later, Stoddart started a rival daily to The Times, entitled The New Times, which was soon amalgamated with the Day. For a short time it appeared as the Day and New Times, but dropped the first half of the title in 1818, and survived as the New Times until about 1828. During the period of his editorship he was scurrilously known as Dr. Slop, and was the subject of several satires, of which A Slap at Slop (1820) ran through four editions.Judicial careerHis connection with the New Times probably ceased in 1826, when he was appointed chief justice and justice of the vice-admiralty court in Malta, and on 27 July was knighted by George IV at St. Jamess Palace. Finding that the Maltese complained that former judges were imperfectly acquainted with their language, he made himself master of Italian. He gave entire satisfaction in his office, and the islanders had perfect confidence in his decisions. He published in 1830–2 (3 parts) Trial by Jury: a Speech on the opening of a Commission in Malta for establishing a modified Trial by Jury, translated from the Italian. During an outbreak of cholera in the island he devoted himself to its suppression with great success.Later yearsReturning to England in 1840, he made progress in an etymological theory, which he believed would supplant that of Horne Tooke, and he embodied it in a work called Glossology, or the Historical Relations of Languages. Of this work he completed the first part only, which was published in 1858 in the Encyclop?dia Metropolitana.He died at 13 Brompton Square, London.


Wikipedia Source: John Stoddart

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