Nik Powell Net Worth and Wiki

Nik Powell Net Worth

How rich is Nik Powell? For this question we spent 13 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Producers
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $175,3 Million.



Nik Powell information Birth date: November 4, 1950 Birth place: London, England, UK Profession:Producer

Height, Weight:

How tall is Nik Powell – 1,85m.
How much weight is Nik Powell – 76kg


Nik Powell Net Worth
Nik Powell Net Worth
Nik Powell Net Worth
Nik Powell Net Worth


Biography,Born in Great Kingshill, Buckinghamshire, England, Powell was educated first at Longacre School, Shamley Green, Guildford, Surrey, moving when he was seven to a small Catholic preparatory school, St. Richards in Little Malvern, outside Malvern. From there he went to Ampleforth College, North Yorkshire, and subsequently spent a year at the University of Sussex.In 1983, Powell and Stephen Woolley founded Palace Productions, which produced The Company of Wolves (1984), Mona Lisa (1986), and The Crying Game (1992). After presiding over the 1992 collapse of the company, Powell re-established himself in the film industry with Scala Productions and has since produced Fever Pitch, Twenty Four Seven, Last Orders, B. Monkey, and Ladies in Lavender.Powell currently is director of the National Film and Television School in England while maintaining his position as chairman of Scala Productions.


Wikipedia Source: Nik Powell

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