John Maus Net Worth
John Maus how much money? For this question we spent 18 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.
The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $157,1 Million.
John Maus information Birth date: November 12, 1943 Birth place: New York City, New York, USA
Height, Weight:
How tall is John Maus – 1,72m.
How much weight is John Maus – 87kg
Biography,Maus was born in February 1980 in Austin, Minnesota. Experimenting with music from an early age, his first efforts were strongly influenced by Nirvana and film scores of the 1980s. He later studied music at the California Institute of the Arts. As a college student he was interested in experimental music, such as the work of Michael Pisaro, as well as Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque music. When he befriended and began to work alongside Ariel Pink, he took a greater interest in pop music. While continuing to make music, Maus went on to study philosophy at the European Graduate School in Saas Fee, Switzerland, where he earned his masters degree. He was awarded a doctorate in political philosophy from the University of Hawaii, where his thesis advisor was Michael J. Shapiro.
Wikipedia Source: John Maus