Allison Green Net Worth
Allison Green how much money? For this question we spent 16 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.
The main source of income: Celebrities
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $102,6 Million.
Allison Green information Birth date: 1911-10-28 Death date: 2005-03-26 Profession:Art Department Spouse:Marjorie
Height, Weight:
How tall is Allison Green – 1,63m.
How much weight is Allison Green – 79kg

Allison R. Green was a Republican politician from Michigan who served in the Michigan House of Representatives, and as its Speaker during the 72nd Legislature. He was also appointed by Governor George Romney as Michigans state treasurer in 1965, retiring from that position in 1978 as the longest-serving treasurer in Michigan history.Green became interested and learned about politics and state government by reading the Michigan Manual, the biennial publication which lists information about Michigans history, constitutions, government officials, and institutions.Green was a member of the original Tuscola County Board of Education and served on the Board of Directors of the Kingston State Bank.
The information is not available
Wikipedia Source: Allison Green