Catherine Shepherd Net Worth, Biography, Age, Weight, Height


Catherine Shepherd Net Worth

How rich is Catherine Shepherd? For this question we spent 3 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $114,3 Million.



Catherine Shepherd information Birth date: 1975-01-01 Birth place: Hammersmith, London, England Profession:Actress, Writer, Director

Height, Weight

:How tall is Catherine Shepherd – 1,76m.
How much weight is Catherine Shepherd – 55kg


Catherine Shepherd Net Worth
Catherine Shepherd Net Worth
Catherine Shepherd Net Worth
Catherine Shepherd Net Worth


Catherine Margaret Shepherd (born 1975) is an English actress and writer, with a career spanning radio, theatre, film and television.She was educated in South London at the James Allens Girls School. A prolific writer, having co-written several plays performed at the Edinburgh Fringe, Shepherds stage play Cats and Monkeys has been produced as a BBC Radio 4 Afternoon Play, with a cast featuring Anna Carteret, Jack Shepherd and the author [1].She was a commissioned writer on the comedy sketch show Party Piece (produced by Objective and shown on E4) and also wrote on the BBC Radio 4 show Concrete Cow. Shepherd co-wrote Your Whole Life, which won a Best of the Sunday Lizard award at the Traverse Theatre.Shepherd speaks fluent Italian, and achieved honours at senior grade in ballet dancing.She is the daughter of well-known actor Jack Shepherd, who is perhaps most famous for having played Charles Wycliffe in the HTV television series Wycliffe.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Catherine Shepherd

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