How much money makes David Carrera? Net worth


David Carrera Net Worth

How rich is David Carrera? For this question we spent 4 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $119 Million.



David Carrera information Birth date: July 30, 1991 Birth place: Dourdan, France Profession:Actor, Soundtrack, Stunts Parents:Fernanda Antunes, Tony Carreira Siblings:Mickael Carreira, Sara Carreira Movies:Morangos com A??car – O FilmeAlbums:A for?a est? em n?s, Tout recommencer, N.1, N?1, A For?a Est? Em N?s

Height, Weight

:How tall is David Carrera – 1,70m.
How much weight is David Carrera – 83kg


David Carrera Net Worth
David Carrera Net Worth
David Carrera Net Worth
David Carrera Net Worth


David Ara?jo Antunes (born in Dourdan, Essonne, France on 30 July 1991) and better known by his artistic name David Carreira is a Portuguese pop, dance, hip hop and R&B singer and an actor and model. His debut album N.1 (2011) reached number 1 in the Portuguese charts and follow-up A for?a est? em n?s to number 2 in Portugal. Singing in Portuguese, English and French, he has developed an international career and is particularly known in French markets as well with a number of successful singles including Obrigado la famille and Boom.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: David Carrera

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