Eva Castillo Net Worth, Bio, Wiki


Eva Castillo Net Worth

How rich is Eva Castillo? For this question we spent 22 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Celebrities
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $95,4 Million.



Eva Castillo information Birth date: Tondo, Philippines Profession:Casting DepartmentAlbums:Day By Day, 3 Hours Later, Day By Day – EP

Height, Weight

:How tall is Eva Castillo – 1,63m.
How much weight is Eva Castillo – 79kg


Eva Castillo Net Worth
Eva Castillo Net Worth
Eva Castillo Net Worth
Eva Castillo Net Worth


Eva Castillo (born Minerva Castillo) is a Filipina singer. She currently is under contract with GMA Network.
Biography,Early lifeMinerva Castillo started singing at the age of nine. She endured a childhood of emotional and financial poverty.In her teenage years, Castillo used to compete in various amateur singing contests with Regine Velasquez. Castillo won over 300 trophies in these amateur singing contests.A singing contest in the 1980s known as Ang Bagong Kampeon stopped their competition.RediscoveryAt the Regine: Roots to Riches, GMA-7s special offering for Velasquezs birthday, Castillo was rediscovered. She recorded the theme song of the show Sine Novela: Kung Aagawin Mo Ang Lahat Sa Akin. Allan K. hired Eva to perform in his club, Klownz, on Quezon Avenue every Thursday night. Castillos life story was featured in the show SRO Cinemaserye, titled SRO Cinemaserye: The Eva Castillo Story, where Glaiza de Castro and Manilyn Reynes portray the adolescent and adult Castillo respectively. She also appears on SOP Rules.


Wikipedia Source: Eva Castillo

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