Kate Cross Net Worth: Age, Height, Weight, Bio


Kate Cross Net Worth

How rich is Kate Cross? For this question we spent 22 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $202,7 Million.



Kate Cross information Birth date: 1991-10-03 Profession:Actress

Height, Weight

:How tall is Kate Cross – 1,61m.
How much weight is Kate Cross – 86kg


Kate Cross Net Worth
Kate Cross Net Worth
Kate Cross Net Worth
Kate Cross Net Worth


Kathryn Laura Cross (born 3 October 1991) is an English international cricketer. She plays for Lancashire Women and the Sapphires. In January 2010 she was called up to join the 2010/11 England Women tour of Australia after injuries to Beth Morgan and Claire Taylor. A right arm medium fast bowler and right handed batsman, she was the first woman to be accepted into Lancashires cricket academy in 2006 and won the Eversheds Most Promising Young Cricketer award in September 2007. She made her debut for the England Under-21 side in 2007. In October 2013 she was called up into the England Senior Squad to tour the West Indies. She made her T20 Debut against the West Indies and in November 2013 made her One Day International Debut, also against the West Indies. In her second game of the series (the first was washed out)she took 4 for 51 against the West Indies, a performance which earned her the Player of the Match Award. England won the final two games of a three match series and became the first team to win a series against the West Indies in The Caribbean. In January 2014, she was selected for the Womens Ashes Tour of Australia, during which, she played in 6 matches of the 7 match series. In her debut Test Match at The WACA in Perth, Cross had match figures of 32 overs, 6 wickets for 70 runs in a game that England won by 61 runs, having taken 3 for 35 in both Australian innings. England went on to win the series and retain the Ashes by a margin of 10 points to 8.She is the daughter of 1980 FA Cup winner and former West Ham United striker David Cross.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Kate Cross

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