How rich is Luis de Alba? Net Worth, Money


Luis de Alba Net Worth

Luis de Alba how much money? For this question we spent 27 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $227,5 Million.



Luis de Alba information Birth date: March 7, 1945 Birth place: Veracruz, Veracruz, Mexico Profession:Actor, Writer, Music Department

Height, Weight

:How tall is Luis de Alba – 1,62m.
How much weight is Luis de Alba – 83kg


Luis de Alba Net Worth
Luis de Alba Net Worth
Luis de Alba Net Worth
Luis de Alba Net Worth


Luis de Alba (born March 7, 1945 in Veracruz) is a Mexican comedian, famous for his character El Pirrurris (the presumptuous son of a millionaire). He also made other characters such as El Raton Crispin (Crispin The Mouse) in which he dressed himself as a big fat rat from Veracruz. He had a saying that he always said. Te odio, con odio Jarocho, which means I hate you with Jarocho hatred. El indio Maclovio and Juan Penas were also two very famous characters he acted out in several shows.His most famous TV program was El Mundo De Luis de Alba, (The World Of Luis de Alba), where El Pirrurris and other characters regularly appeared. After this program was canceled he spent many years away from television but retransmissions of the show were popular. In 2004 he came back portraying the Pirrurris once again in one of Jorge Ortiz de Pinedos adult-oriented comedy shows, set in a primary school where the students are played by adult actors. In 2005 he got a new show where he plays the Pirrurris as well as his other characters. He is currently appearing in a show called Los Chuperamigos in telefutura with other actors such as La Chupitos.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Luis de Alba

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