Marimar Vega Net Worth: Age, Height, Weight, Bio


Marimar Vega Net Worth

How rich is Marimar Vega? For this question we spent 9 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $184,7 Million.



Marimar Vega information Birth date: 1983-08-14 Profession:Actress Parents:Gonzalo Vega, Leonora Sisto Siblings:Gonzalo Vega, Gabriela Vega Tovar

Height, Weight

:How tall is Marimar Vega – 1,67m.
How much weight is Marimar Vega – 70kg


Marimar Vega Net Worth
Marimar Vega Net Worth
Marimar Vega Net Worth
Marimar Vega Net Worth


Marimar Vega (Mexico City, August 14, 1983), is a Mexican actress. The second of three children of Gonzalo Vega, Marimar studied acting in Centro de Formacion Actoral of TV Azteca. Her younger sister, Zuria Vega is also an actress, working at Aztecas rival, Televisa. When she was 17 year old, she had a theater debut, with her father, in Don Juan Tenorio.
Biography,Vega was born August 14, 1983 in Mexico City, Mexico. She is the daughter of actor Gonzalo Vega and Leonora Sisto who is of Spanish descent. Vega she has a sister who is also actress Zuria Vega and a brother Gonzalo. Also has a half-sister Gabriela.She practiced flamenco dance for twenty years, she studied acting at the CEFAC, acting school of TV Azteca. She debuted in theater at age 17 with his father, actor Gonzalo Vega Don Juan Tenorio playing the role of Dona Ines. Also acted on stage in the Perras. In movies, she has participated in Amor, Dolor y Viceversa and recently appeared at the Cannes Film Festival with Daniel and Ana she was protagonist of this film with Dario Yazbek and Jose Maria Torre.Her television career started in Enamorate in 2003, her first TV Azteca telenovela, where she played Fedra, a young millionaire woman obsessive, manipulative, seductress and selfish who is not willing to give up the love of her life and will do almost anything to get it. In 2007 she was played Gina Montero in Mientras haya vida. In 2008 played as Karen in series Noche Eterna.In 2011 she played as Elisa Mendoza del Real in Emperatriz. In 2012 she played as protagonist in the telenovela Amor cautivo as Alejandra Santacruz Bustillos.


Wikipedia Source: Marimar Vega

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