How rich is Mimi Rogers? Net Worth, Money


Mimi Rogers Net Worth

How rich is Mimi Rogers? For this question we spent 11 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $5 Million.



Mimi Rogers information Birth date: January 27, 1956 Birth place: Coral Gables, Florida, United States Height:5 ft 8 in (1.74 m) Profession:Actor, Professional Poker Player, Television producer, Film Producer, Voice Actor Nationality:United States of America Spouse:Chris Ciaffa (m. 2003), Tom Cruise (m. 1987–1990), Jim Rogers (m. 1977–1980) Children:Lucy Julia Rogers-Ciaffa, Charlie Rogers-Ciaffa Parents:Teri Berwick, Philip C. Spickler

Height, Weight

:How tall is Mimi Rogers – 1,67m.
How much weight is Mimi Rogers – 84kg


Mimi Rogers Net Worth
Mimi Rogers Net Worth
Mimi Rogers Net Worth
Mimi Rogers Net Worth


Miriam Mimi Rogers is an American film and television actress, producer and competitive poker player. Her notable film roles include Gung Ho, Someone to Watch Over Me, and Desperate Hours. She garnered the greatest acclaim of her career for her role in the religious drama,…
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Mimi Rogers

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