Owen Coyle Net Worth 2024


Owen Coyle Net Worth

How rich is Owen Coyle? For this question we spent 6 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $184,6 Million.



Owen Coyle information Birth date: July 14, 1966 Birth place: Paisley, Strathclyde, Scotland, UK Height:5 11 (1.8 m) Profession:Actor

Height, Weight

:How tall is Owen Coyle – 1,85m.
How much weight is Owen Coyle – 51kg


Owen Coyle Net Worth
Owen Coyle Net Worth
Owen Coyle Net Worth
Owen Coyle Net Worth


Owen Columba Coyle (born 14 July 1966) is a former professional football player and manager who was most recently the manager of Wigan Athletic.Paisley-born Coyle began his career at Dumbarton. He played for a number of Scottish teams as well as a spell at English club Bolton Wanderers. He was capped once by the Republic of Ireland, having qualified through Irish descent. He also played for the Republic of Ireland national under-21 football team.Upon retiring from playing, he managed Falkirk and St. Johnstone before heading to then Championship side Burnley. In his first full season in charge, Burnley won promotion to the Premier League. He then moved to Bolton halfway through his first season in the Premier League. Coyle was appointed manager of Wigan Athletic in June 2013 only to leave the club on 2 December 2013.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Owen Coyle

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