How much money makes Aaron Kwok? Net worth


Aaron Kwok Net Worth

How much is Aaron Kwok worth? For this question we spent 18 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $20 Million.



Aaron Kwok information Birth date: October 26, 1965 Birth place: Hong Kong, China Height:5 ft 7 in (1.72 m) Profession:Actor, Singer, Dancer Education:St. Josephs College Nationality:Hong Kong Nominations:Hong Kong Film Award for Best ActorAlbums:Aaron Pure Energy Collection, Aarons AA+ Best Hits!

Height, Weight

:How tall is Aaron Kwok – 1,81m.
How much weight is Aaron Kwok – 74kg


Aaron Kwok Net Worth
Aaron Kwok Net Worth
Aaron Kwok Net Worth
Aaron Kwok Net Worth


Aaron Kwok Fu-shing is a Hong Kong singer, dancer, and actor. He has been active since the 1980s and to the present. He is considered one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Hong Kong. Kwoks onstage dancing and displays is influenced by Michael Jackson. While most of his songs …
Biography,Kwok graduated from St. Josephs College in Hong Kong. After graduating from secondary school, Kwok worked as a junior staff in King Fook Gold & Jewellery Co. Ltd. His father, who owns a small gold retail store, desired that he gain experience in the business with the view of eventually handing the family business over to him. If not for one of Kwoks brothers taking over the gold business, his father would not have allowed him to join the entertainment industry. In 1984, he was fired for prolonged absenteeism (sick leave) caused by a foot muscle injury from trying the splits at a party.


Wikipedia Source: Aaron Kwok

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