Adel Emam Net Worth 2024 Update – Short bio, age, height, weight


Adel Emam Net Worth

How rich is Adel Emam? For this question we spent 9 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $100 Million.



Adel Emam information Birth date: 1940-05-17 Death date: 2009-12-09 Education:Cairo University Nationality:Egyptian

Height, Weight

:How tall is Adel Emam – 1,79m.
How much weight is Adel Emam – 61kg


Adel Emam Net Worth
Adel Emam Net Worth
Adel Emam Net Worth
Adel Emam Net Worth


Adel Imam (sometimes credited as: Adel Emam), (Arabic: ???? ?????), born May 17, 1940 in El Mansoura (????????), is a popular Egyptian movie and stage actor. He is primarily a comedian, but he has starred in more serious works and, especially in his earlier films, has combined comedy with romance.Emam earned a Bachelors Degree in Agriculture from Cairo University. Since then he has appeared in over 100 Movies and 10 plays. He is one of the most famous actors in Egypt, and has received critical and popular praise throughout his career. Emams roles have displayed a wide range of humour including slapstick, farce, and even the occasional double entendre. His character archetype is an individual down on his luck who rises above powerful outside pressures. This has proved an extremely resilient archetype in Egypt.In January 2000, the United Nations appointed Emam as a Goodwill Ambassador for UNHCR. Since then, he has worked tirelessly for the cause of refugees. He has been cast several times by the producer Emad Adeeb in Movies like Morgan Ahmed Morgan and Hassan and Marcus.In 2005, he starred in El-sefara fi El-Omara (The Embassy Is In The Building), playing a Cairene everyman inconvenienced when the Embassy of Israel moves into his apartment building. In 2006, Emam appeared as one of the many stars of The Yacoubian Building, a film reputed to be the highest-budgeted in Egyptian cinema and adapted from the novel of the same name. The story is a sharp look at contemporary Egyptian life through the prism of a faded downtown Cairo apartment building. Emam portrays an aging rou? whose misadventures form a central strand of the films complex narrative. In 2011, he starred in an ad campaign for Vodafone Egypt titled Kowetna (Our Power).
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Adel Emam

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