How rich is Alan Brooke? Net Worth


Alan Brooke Net Worth

How rich is Alan Francis Brooke? For this question we spent 30 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $128,2 Million.



Alan Francis Brooke information Birth date: July 23, 1883, Bagn?res-de-Bigorre, France Death date: June 17, 1963, Hartley Wintney, United Kingdom Birth place: Bagn?res-de-Bigorre, Hautes-Pyr?n?es, France Education:Royal Military Academy, Woolwich Spouse:Benita Lees (m. 1929), Jane Richardson (m. 1914–1925) Children:Alan Brooke, 3rd Viscount Alanbrooke, Thomas Brooke, 2nd Viscount Alanbrooke, Rosemary Brooke, Kathleen Brooke Parents:Victor Brooke, Alice Bellingham

Height, Weight

:How tall is Alan Brooke – 1,87m.
How much weight is Alan Brooke – 60kg


Alan Brooke Net Worth
Alan Brooke Net Worth
Alan Brooke Net Worth
Alan Brooke Net Worth


Field Marshal Alan Francis Brooke, 1st Viscount Alanbrooke KG, GCB, OM, GCVO, DSO & Bar (23 July 1883 – 17 June 1963) was a senior commander in the British Army. He was the Chief of the Imperial General Staff during the Second World War, and was promoted to field marshal in 1944. As chairman of the Chiefs of Staff Committee, Brooke was the foremost military advisor to Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and in the role of co-ordinator of the British military efforts was an extremely important but not always well-known contributor to the Allies victory in 1945. After retiring from the army, he served as Lord High Constable of England during the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in 1953. His war diaries attracted attention for their criticism of Churchill and for Brookes forthright views on other leading figures of the war.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Alan Brooke

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