Albert Bouchard Net Worth: Age, Height, Weight, Bio


Albert Bouchard Net Worth

How rich is Albert Bouchard? For this question we spent 27 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Musicians
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $133,6 Million.



Albert Bouchard information Birth date: May 24, 1947 Birth place: Watertown, New York, USA Profession:Soundtrack

Height, Weight

:How tall is Albert Bouchard – 1,80m.
How much weight is Albert Bouchard – 74kg


Albert Bouchard Net Worth
Albert Bouchard Net Worth
Albert Bouchard Net Worth
Albert Bouchard Net Worth


Albert Bouchard (born May 24, 1947) is an American drummer, guitarist, singer and songwriter. He was a founding member of the American hard rock band Blue ?yster Cult.
Biography,Bouchard was born in Watertown, New York and grew up in Clayton, New York. He was a founding member of the American hard rock band Blue Oyster Cult and a driving force through the bands first decade. He is the brother of former Blue Oyster Cult bassist Joe Bouchard.In 1981, Bouchard left Blue Oyster Cult and began to work on the music that would become the Imaginos record. In the late 1980s, he performed with The Mamas & the Papas, Hermans Hermits with Peter Noone and the Spencer Davis Group with Joe Bouchard.He has also played on records for Mike Watt (Firehose, Minutemen) and Richie Stotts (Plasmatics), Gumball and Fabienne Shine. Bouchard has produced records for many other musicians, including Maria Excommunikata, Heads Up! and David Roter.Until 2006, Bouchards main musical project had been The Brain Surgeons, with whom he released several CDs on his own Cellsum Records label. Cellsum grew to host a number of other artists, including Les Vegas, The X Brothers, David Roter and Helen Wheels. In 2007, Bouchard formed Underbelly with original Soft White Underbelly singer Les Braunstein, Brain Surgeons bassist David Hirschberg, and guitarist Adrian Romero. They were featured on the 2008 Motorhead tribute CD Sheep in Wolves Clothing, and released the songs Critical Mass and Astronomy in 2011.In 2008, Bouchard formed the band Blue Coupe with his brother Joe and original Alice Cooper bassist Dennis Dunaway. Originally an Alice Cooper/Blue Oyster Cult cover act, Blue Coupe has released two albums of original material: Tornado on the Tracks in 2010, and Million More Miles in 2013. In 2014, Bouchard released his first solo record, Incantation.


Wikipedia Source: Albert Bouchard

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