How Much Is Alfonso de Nigris Guajardo Worth?


Alfonso de Nigris Guajardo Net Worth

How rich is Alfonso de Nigris Guajardo? For this question we spent 21 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $56,9 Million.



Alfonso de Nigris Guajardo information Birth date: May 3, 1976 Birth place: Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico Height:5 11? (1.82 m) Profession:Actor

Height, Weight

:How tall is Alfonso de Nigris Guajardo – 1,71m.
How much weight is Alfonso de Nigris Guajardo – 59kg


Alfonso de Nigris Guajardo Net Worth
Alfonso de Nigris Guajardo Net Worth
Alfonso de Nigris Guajardo Net Worth
Alfonso de Nigris Guajardo Net Worth


Alfonso de Nigris Guajardo (born March 3, 1976 in Monterrey, Nuevo Le?n), best known as Poncho de Nigris, is a Mexican actor and model. His brothers are the late football player Antonio de Nigris and Aldo de Nigris. He has been the subject of controversy for firing Yanixan. a former lover of singer Niurka Marcos, from his show Piel Caliente and using anti-gay remarks claiming Yanixam married a transsexual woman named Hammil. And friend of rulo from the program named Venga la Alegr?a.Now he is the host of a reality show called Mitad y mitad where he is trying to find the perfect woman to marry with. The show is transmitted by Multimedios Television, a Mexican northeast regional channel.He hosted a program called Pura Gente Bien transmitted daily by altavision local channel 64 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm He also hosted another program called El Club del Italiano transmitted daily on channel 142(SKY). It was recently cancelled this February, because he did a comment in favor of bullying. He now is about to have another show called Puro Perfil, it will by transmitted daily by TeleHit on channel 709 (SKY). Although tit wouldnt start until sometime in June.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Alfonso de Nigris Guajardo

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