Amaia Salamanca Net Worth


Amaia Salamanca Net Worth

How much is Amaia Salamanca worth? For this question we spent 17 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $3 Million.



Amaia Salamanca information Birth date: March 28, 1986 Birth place: Madrid, Spain Height:5 ft 5 in (1.67 m) Profession:Actor, Model Nationality:Spain Partner:Rosauro Varo Rodr?guez (2010–) Children:Olivia Salamanca Varo

Height, Weight

:How tall is Amaia Salamanca – 1,64m.
How much weight is Amaia Salamanca – 61kg


Amaia Salamanca Net Worth
Amaia Salamanca Net Worth
Amaia Salamanca Net Worth
Amaia Salamanca Net Worth


Amaia Salamanca Ur?zar is a Spanish actress, best known for her role as Catalina Marcos in the Spanish version of the Colombian TV series Sin tetas no hay para?so
Biography,Amaia Salamanca was born in Madrid (Spain) on 28 March 1986. Initially, she was not planning to go into acting, but in her first audition, for SMS, the television channel TV company LaSexta gave her first acting job. In SMS, she worked with other young film and television actors such as Yon Gonzalez, Aroa Gimeno, Mario Casas and Maria Castro. She will lead the Spanish-Canadian co-production Webcam directed by Antoni Sole.Besides, her work as an actress, Amaia works as a model for photo shoots, video clips and shows.


Wikipedia Source: Amaia Salamanca

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