Arto Bryggare Net Worth, Biography, Age, Weight, Height


Arto Bryggare Net Worth

How rich is Arto Bryggare? For this question we spent 8 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $104,1 Million.



Arto Bryggare information Birth date: May 26, 1958 Birth place: Kouvola, Finland Height:6 4? (1.94 m) Education:University of Southern California

Height, Weight

:How tall is Arto Bryggare – 1,64m.
How much weight is Arto Bryggare – 77kg


Arto Bryggare Net Worth
Arto Bryggare Net Worth
Arto Bryggare Net Worth
Arto Bryggare Net Worth


Arto Kalervo Bryggare (born May 26, 1958 in Kouvola) is a former Finnish hurdling athlete. He was a member of the Parliament of Finland, representing the Social Democratic Party of Finland from 1995 to 1999 and 2003 to 2007. His personal best time 13,35, made during trials in 1984 Los Angeles Games, is still the record time in Finland and in Nordic countries. Bryggare made Finnish history by becoming the first Finn to medal in a sprint event shorter than 400 metres.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Arto Bryggare

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