Artur Brauner Net Worth


Artur Brauner Net Worth

How rich is Abraham Brauner? For this question we spent 25 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Producers
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $130,6 Million.



Abraham Brauner information Birth date: August 1, 1918 Birth place: L?dz, L?dzkie, Poland Profession:Producer, Writer, Actor Spouse:Maria Brauner (m. 1947) Children:Alice Brauner Parents:Moshe Brauner, Brana Brauner Siblings:Wolf Brauner

Height, Weight

:How tall is Artur Brauner – 1,79m.
How much weight is Artur Brauner – 88kg


Artur Brauner Net Worth
Artur Brauner Net Worth
Artur Brauner Net Worth
Artur Brauner Net Worth


Artur Atze Brauner (born Abraham Brauner 1 August 1918) is a Polish film producer and entrepreneur. He was born to a Jewish family in ??d?, Poland. With his parents and four siblings, he fled to the Soviet Union and survived the Holocaust. Following the war, he and his brother, Wolf Brauner emigrated to Berlin, his parents and three of his siblings emigrated to Israel. Twelve of his relatives were killed at Babi Yar, just a portion of the 49 who perished at the hands of the Nazis.As a young man he saw Fritz Langs film The Testament of Dr. Mabuse that affected him greatly, making him interested in film. In September 1946 he founded the Central Cinema Company or CCC Films in the American sector of Berlin. He prouduced Sag die Wahrheit, one of the first films produced in Germany after the war, followed by Morituri, which was a commercial failure and threw him into debt. Brauner realised that to produce critically successful films he had to make up their losses by producing critically derided films that were appreciated by the public. He lured back many Germans who had experience in Hollywood such as Robert Siodmak and later Fritz Lang who started a revival of Dr. Mabuse.In 2009, Yad Vashem received a donation of 21 of Brauners productions having to do with the Holocaust, including Die Wei?e Rose, The Plot to Assassinate Hitler (Der 20. Juli) and Man and Beast (Mensch und Bestie). In 2010, Yad Vashem opened a media center in Brauners name. Brauner called it the crowning achievement of my film career.
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Wikipedia Source: Artur Brauner

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