Arun Mukherjee Net Worth
How rich is Arun Mukherjee? For this question we spent 30 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.
The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $110,2 Million.
Arun Mukherjee information Profession:Actor, Writer
Height, Weight
:How tall is Arun Mukherjee – 1,67m.
How much weight is Arun Mukherjee – 77kg
Arun Mukherjee or Arun Mukhopadhyay is a noted Bengali playwright and thespian. He is associated with the theater group Chetana both as actor-director and playwright. He is the author of many plays including the classic M?r?ch Sangb?d, which has been translated into English (Mareech, The Legend), by Utkal Mohanty. Through an arresting character analysis of the Ramayana illusion-expert Mareech, this story spotlights the contemporary social woes of the oppressed Indian peasantry. Other well-known plays include Jagann?th and Ramj?tra.He won the National Film Award for Best Actor, 1979, for his role in the film Parashuram.
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Wikipedia Source: Arun Mukherjee