Athena Lee Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight


Athena Lee Net Worth

How rich is Athena Lee? For this question we spent 27 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $500 Thousand.



Athena Lee information Birth date: 1964-12-08 Birth place: Los Angeles, CA

Height, Weight

:How tall is Athena Lee – 1,77m.
How much weight is Athena Lee – 78kg


Athena Lee Net Worth
Athena Lee Net Worth
Athena Lee Net Worth
Athena Lee Net Worth


Athena Lee (born Athena Michelle Bass, born December 8, 1964) is an American musician, drummer and actor. She is the younger sister of M?tley Cr?e drummer Tommy Lee and ex-sister-in-law of actresses Heather Locklear and Pamela Anderson.
Biography,Lee was born in Los Angeles, California. She is the daughter of David Lee Thomas Bass, an American army sergeant, and Vassiliki Voula Papadimitriou, Miss Greece (for the 1960 Miss World event). Her parents moved to Los Angeles the year before she was born. Lee took an interest in music around age 20, two years later, she joined the all-girl band Hardly Dangerous and the punk group Butt Trumpet. She then signed on and worked with KrunK. Aside from her musical career, she has also been a celebrity guest commentator on VH-1s Behind the Music and E! True Hollywood Story.Lees first husband was Scott Atkins, a former bandmate. Later, she was married to James Kottak, drummer for the heavy metal band Scorpions and fellow bandmember of Kottak. They had three children together: Tobi (a girl) born 1991, Miles born in 1992 and Matthew in 1997, but have since divorced. Athena was voted for Best Female Drummer and won at the Rock City – Rockies.. In the 7th Annual L.A. Music Awards, Athena was nominated for BEST DRUMMER (Males and Females) category. She was the first female ever nominated in the history of the L.A. Music Awards.


Wikipedia Source: Athena Lee

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