How much money makes Bahram Radan? Net worth


Bahram Radan Net Worth

How Much money Bahram Radan has? For this question we spent 13 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $111,9 Million.



Bahram Radan information Birth date: April 28, 1979 Birth place: Tehran, Iran Height:5 10ВЅ (1.79 m) Profession:Actor, Producer

Height, Weight

:How tall is Bahram Radan – 1,62m.
How much weight is Bahram Radan – 64kg


Bahram Radan Net Worth
Bahram Radan Net Worth
Bahram Radan Net Worth
Bahram Radan Net Worth


Bahram Radan (Persian: بهرام رادان ‎, born 28 April 1979) is an award-winning Iranian actor.While working towards a degree in Business Management in college, Radan signed up for acting classes where he was discovered as an emerging talent. He got his first break when he was given an opportunity for his first role starring in the movie The Passion of Love. The movie went on to achieve great success at the box office and was one of the top grossing Movies of 2000. Radan has since starred in 27 Movies and has become a popular household name in the Middle East, often referred to as one of the top 5 superstars of Iranian cinema. His extreme popularity caused Iranian authorities to ban his images from billboards in 2008, In 2010 he was chosen by United Nations as the first Iranian UN Ambassador Against Hunger.He has recently ventured into music and released his first album, The Other Side in 2012. Music videos were created for three of the songs from the album: Jeegh (Scream), To Rafti (You Left) and Zamouneh (Era).Radan has been exiled from Iran and currently resides in Toronto, where he is recording music for his forthcoming album.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Bahram Radan

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