Barenaked Ladies Net Worth, Bio


Barenaked Ladies Net Worth

How much is Barenaked Ladies worth? For this question we spent 23 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Musicians
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $31,8 Million.



Barenaked Ladies information Profession:Soundtrack, Music Department, Actor

Height, Weight

:How tall is Barenaked Ladies – 1,77m.
How much weight is Barenaked Ladies – 55kg


Barenaked Ladies Net Worth
Barenaked Ladies Net Worth
Barenaked Ladies Net Worth
Barenaked Ladies Net Worth


Barenaked Ladies (often abbreviated BNL or occasionally BnL) is a Canadian rock band. The band is currently composed of Jim Creeggan, Kevin Hearn, Ed Robertson, and Tyler Stewart. Barenaked Ladies formed in 1988 in Scarborough, Ontario (now incorporated into the City of Toronto).They are best known for their hit singles, One Week, The Old Apartment, Pinch Me, If I Had $1000000, Brian Wilson, as well as the theme for the sitcom The Big Bang Theory. They are also known for their light-hearted, comedic performance style, and humorous banter between songs and improvised raps/songs are staples at nearly every concert. They have won multiple Juno Awards and have been nominated for Grammy Awards. Original keyboardist Andy Creeggan left the band in 1995, and founding member Steven Page departed in 2009. The band has sold over 15 million records including albums and singles.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Barenaked Ladies

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