Bernard Cornwell Net Worth
Bernard Cornwell makes how much a year? For this question we spent 10 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.
The main source of income: Authors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $5 Million.
Bernard Cornwell information Birth date: February 23, 1944 Birth place: England, United Kingdom Profession:Novelist, Writer, Author Education:University of London Nominations:Goodreads Choice Awards Best Historical Fiction
Height, Weight
:How tall is Bernard Cornwell – 1,89m.
How much weight is Bernard Cornwell – 61kg
Bernard Cornwell, OBE is an English author of historical novels. He is best known for his novels about Napoleonic Wars rifleman Richard Sharpe which were adapted into a series of Sharpe television films.
Biography,Cornwell was born in London in 1944. His father was Canadian airman William Oughtred and his mother Dorothy Cornwell was English, a member of the Womens Auxiliary Air Force. He was adopted and brought up in Thundersley, Essex, by the Wiggins family, who were members of the Peculiar People, a strict sect who were pacifists and banned frivolity of all kinds and even medicine. After his adopted father died, he changed his last name by deed poll from Wiggins to Cornwell, his birth mothers maiden name. Prior to that, he used Bernard Cornwell as a pen name. Cornwell met his father for the first time when he was 58, after telling a journalist on a book tour that what I wanted to see in Vancouver was my real father. There he met his half-siblings, with whom he shares many traits, and learned his genealogy.Cornwell was sent to Monkton Combe School in Somerset. He attended the College of St Mark and St John in Plymouth and, after graduating, worked as a teacher. He attempted to enlist in the British armed services at least three times, but was rejected on the grounds of myopia.Following his work as teacher, Cornwell joined the BBCs Nationwide and was later promoted to head of current affairs at BBC Northern Ireland. He then joined Thames Television as editor of Thames News. He was married with a daughter, that marriage ended in divorce. Cornwell first saw his second wife, a travel agent from the US, in 1978 in Edinburgh, while he worked for BBC Northern Ireland. He relocated to the United States in 1979 after marrying her, the mother of three children from a previous marriage. He was unable to get a United States Permanent Resident Card (green card), so he started writing novels, as this did not require a work permit. He later became a United States citizen.
Wikipedia Source: Bernard Cornwell