Peter Sattmann Net Worth 2024 Update – Short bio, age, height, weight

Peter Sattmann Net Worth

How rich is Peter Sattmann? For this question we spent 4 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $200,3 Million.



Peter Sattmann information Birth date: December 26, 1947 Birth place: Zwickau, Germany Profession:Actor, Composer

Height, Weight:

How tall is Peter Sattmann – 1,74m.
How much weight is Peter Sattmann – 77kg


Peter Sattmann Net Worth
Peter Sattmann Net Worth
Peter Sattmann Net Worth
Peter Sattmann Net Worth


Biography,In 1957, Sattmann moved with his parents, Gerda und Ferdinand Sattmann, from Zwickau to Friedrichshafen, where he played in a band when he was twelve years old. He attended the Graf-Zeppelin-Gymnasium up to the eleventh class, when he left to concentrate on acting, moving to Munich and performing as a street musician.He married when he was 21 years old, and in 1970 his youngest daughter, Katrin Sattmann, was born. He attended the Neue Munchner Schauspielschule, and in 1969 went to the Deutsches Theater in Gottingen. He was voted Schauspieler des Jahres in 1975 and in 1977 at the Wurttembergisches Staatstheater in Stuttgart.Sattmann wrote a number of plays for which he directed the first performances, including Open End, Der Erzbischof ist da, Brave New Man and Der Fallschirmspringer, and continued until 1990 at the Schiller Theater.In addition to appearing in films, Sattmann also composed the music for the film Willkommen im Paradies. He also composed music for “Kerbels Flucht”, “Der Prinz muss her” and “Das Familienfest”.From 1990 to 1998, he lived with Katja Riemann, and their daughter, Paula Riemann was born in 1993.


Wikipedia Source: Peter Sattmann

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