Tony Tornado Net Worth: Age, Height, Weight, Bio

Tony Tornado Net Worth

How rich is Tony Tornado? For this question we spent 15 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $162,7 Million.



Tony Tornado information Birth date: May 26, 1930 Birth place: Mirante do Paranapanema, S?o Paulo, Brazil Profession:Actor, Soundtrack, Composer

Height, Weight:

How tall is Tony Tornado – 1,86m.
How much weight is Tony Tornado – 80kg


Tony Tornado Net Worth
Tony Tornado Net Worth
Tony Tornado Net Worth
Tony Tornado Net Worth


Biography,Son of a Guyanese father and a Brazilian mother, at 11 years old Tony ran away from home and ended up in Rio de Janeiro where he became a street kid and made a living selling peanuts and shining shoes.At 18 he served in the Deodoro School of Parachuting along with the futurely TV presenter and entrepreneur Silvio Santos.In 1957, he fought in the Suez Canal.Tony began his artistic career in the 60s with the stage name Tony Checker, lip-synching and dancing on Hoje e dia de Rock show of Jair Taumaturgo. That time Tony imitated singers Chubby Checker and Little Richard. Even in the 60s, he traveled to the United States where he lived for five years in New York[clarification needed].In New York, Tony served as drug dealer and pimp, to deceive the immigration department, pretending to be an employee of a car wash. At that time, Tony met another Brazilian who also lived in New York, the also singer Tim Maia.Back in Brazil in 1969, he worked in the group of Ed Lincoln and also sang at night with the pseudonym Johnny Bradfort, the owner of the club forced him to pretend to be a foreigner.In 1970, he adopted the name with he came to be known, Tony Tornado. Influenced by James Brown, Tony was one of the artists who introduced soul music and funk in Brazilian music.That same year, alongside Trio Ternura defended the song BR-3, which got the first place in the festival. His first role on television was in 1972 , in the 1972 telenovela Jeronimo on TV Tupi.Tornado often participates in several soap operas and miniseries, although almost never in prominent roles. The biggest role of his career on TV was Gregorio Fortunato,The Dark Angel ,the chief of the security of the president and statesman Getulio Vargas in the 1993 miniseries Agosto, based on the work of Rubem Fonseca. Another important role of his career was the foreman Rodesio, who worked for Viuva Porcina (Regina Duarte) in Roque Santeiro.Tornado was married to actress Arlete Salles in the 70s. He is father of the also actor and singer Lincoln TornadoCurrently, Tornado returned to performing on stages all over Brazil singing his greatest hits, accompanied by the band Funkessencia and Lincoln Tornado.


Wikipedia Source: Tony Tornado

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