Brigitte Lin Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight


Brigitte Lin Net Worth

How rich is Brigitte Lin? For this question we spent 8 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $127,9 Million.



Brigitte Lin information Birth date: November 3, 1954 Birth place: Taipei, Taiwan Profession:Actress Spouse:Michael Ying

Height, Weight

:How tall is Brigitte Lin – 1,79m.
How much weight is Brigitte Lin – 61kg


Brigitte Lin Net Worth
Brigitte Lin Net Worth
Brigitte Lin Net Worth
Brigitte Lin Net Worth


Brigitte Lin (Chinese: ???, pinyin: L?n Q?ngxi?) or Brigitte Lin Ching Hsia (born 3 November 1954) is a Taiwanese actress. She was a popular actress, regarded as an icon of Chinese cinema, who acted in both Taiwanese and Hong Kong Movies. She retired in 1994, although she had a minor role in the 1998 film Bishonen.
Biography,She was born in Taipei and she was discovered in 1972 by a film producer after she finished high school and as preparing for University. She first appeared in many Taiwanese romance films based on the novels of Chiung Yao. Her movie debut is in Chuangwai (Outside the Window). She later switched over to making movies in Hong Kong. At the height of her popularity she was inarguably one of the most sought-after actresses in the Chinese film industry. She starred in more than 100 movies[citation needed].In Hong Kong movies, Lin made a career of playing cross-gender roles: in Peking Opera Blues she plays a tomboy who dresses in male Western clothes, in New Dragon Gate Inn she is a woman who dresses as a man, and in Swordsman II and III she plays a male character who castrates himself for power and so is now slowly turning into a woman. She had a good working relationship with Tsui Hark, acting in many of the films he directed (like Peking Opera Blues) and produced (Swordsman II).She married Hong Kong businessman Michael Ying in 1994 and left the film industry. She has two daughters, born in 1997 and 2001. She made her first public appearance since her marriage at a screening of Ashes of Time Redux at the 2008 New York Film Festival.


Wikipedia Source: Brigitte Lin

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