How rich is Carroll John Daly? Net Worth, Money


Carroll John Daly Net Worth

How rich is Carroll John Daly? For this question we spent 24 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Authors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $12,3 Million.



Carroll John Daly information Birth date: September 14, 1889 Death date: 1958-01-16 Birth place: Yonkers, New York, USA Profession:Writer

Height, Weight

:How tall is Carroll John Daly – 1,84m.
How much weight is Carroll John Daly – 61kg


Carroll John Daly Net Worth
Carroll John Daly Net Worth
Carroll John Daly Net Worth
Carroll John Daly Net Worth


Carroll John Daly (September 14, 1889 – January 16, 1958) was a writer of crime fiction. He has been credited with creating the first hard-boiled story, The False Burton Combs, published in Black Mask magazine in December 1922, followed closely by Its All in the Game (Black Mask, April 1923) and the PI story Three Gun Terry (Black Mask, May 1923). Dalys private detective Race Williams first appeared in Knights of the Open Palm, published June 1, 1923, in Black Mask and predating the October 1923 debut of Dashiell Hammetts Continental Op character. During that era, Daly was considered the leader of the naturalistic school of crime writers. Dalys Williams was a rough-and-ready character with a sharp tongue and established the model for many later acerbic private eyes.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Carroll John Daly

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