Chris Cagle Net Worth


Chris Cagle Net Worth

How much is Chris Cagle worth? For this question we spent 28 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Celebrities
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $16 Million.



Chris Cagle information Birth date: November 10, 1968 Birth place: De Ridder, Louisiana, United States Height:5 ft 9 in (1.77 m) Profession:Singer, Singer-songwriter Education:University of Texas at Arlington Nationality:United States of America Spouse:Kay Cagle (m. 2010), Elizabeth Filer (m. 2001–2003)

Height, Weight

:How tall is Chris Cagle – 1,77m.
How much weight is Chris Cagle – 61kg


Chris Cagle Net Worth
Chris Cagle Net Worth
Chris Cagle Net Worth
Chris Cagle Net Worth


Chris Cagle is an American country music artist. He was first known for writing songs for David Kersh before signing to Virgin Records Nashville in 2000. Cagle made his debut on the Billboard Hot Country Singles & Tracks charts with the single My Love Goes On and On, the f…
Biography,Cagle was born in DeRidder, Louisiana on November 10, 1968, by the time he was four years old, his family moved to Sugar Land, Texas, just outside Houston, Texas. He stayed there until moving to Baytown, Texas in high school. During his high school years, he took piano lessons before switching to guitar. His senior year he moved to White Settlement, Texas, where he attended Brewer High School before moving back to Baytown,Texas and graduating from Ross S. Sterling High School in 1987. After graduating high school, he attended University of Texas at Arlington for one year. He skipped his finance courses to audit music classes, and performed at night in nearby clubs. Chris also spent a brief period attending classes at Lee College in Baytown Texas. Cagle later dropped out of college. Chris moved to Nashville in 1994 at the behest of entertainment attorney Rod Phelps. Chris told Phelps that he …had no place to live, no job, and no money. Phelps hired Cagle as a nanny for Phelps three daughters, Shayna, Ashley and Tiffany, by his wife Sheila Wagnon. Chris remained for several months. While in Nashville, Cagle was waiting tables and tending bar while working to improve himself as a songwriter. One big break came when he met the legendary Harlan Howard, who was so impressed with Chriss songwriting progress that he was the first to publish one of his songs. Chris then landed a publishing deal and had songs recorded by David Kersh. A woman he met while waiting tables led him to Virgin Records head Scott Hendricks, who signed him to a label deal. He currently lives in Love County, Oklahoma.


Wikipedia Source: Chris Cagle

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