Chris Hammond Net Worth and Wiki


Chris Hammond Net Worth

How rich is Chris Hammond? For this question we spent 24 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Producers
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $20,3 Million.



Chris Hammond information Birth date: 1966-01-21 Profession:Producer, Visual Effects

Height, Weight

:How tall is Chris Hammond – 1,75m.
How much weight is Chris Hammond – 58kg


Chris Hammond Net Worth
Chris Hammond Net Worth
Chris Hammond Net Worth
Chris Hammond Net Worth


Christopher Andrew Hammond (born January 21, 1966 in Atlanta, Georgia) is a former left-handed pitcher in Major League Baseball.Hammond was drafted by the Cincinnati Reds in the sixth round of the 1986 amateur draft. Hammond had not sustained considerable success until his revival as a relief pitcher with the 2002 Atlanta Braves. Hammonds career went through two distinct phases, one as a struggling starting pitcher/swingman and one as a reliever. Hammond used techniques common to junkball or finesse pitchers. His pitches included the changeup (Hammonds ranged from 58 – 71 mph), his mostly flat slider, and his low 80s four-seam fastball. Hammond was also a relatively good left-handed hitter as shown by his career .202 batting average, .285 on-base percentage, and four career home runs.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Chris Hammond

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