Christopher Bates Net Worth, Bio, Wiki


Christopher Bates Net Worth

How rich is Christopher Bates? For this question we spent 27 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $205,4 Million.



Christopher Bates information Birth date: May 6, 1969 Birth place: Vancouver, Canada. Profession:Actor

Height, Weight

:How tall is Christopher Bates – 1,85m.
How much weight is Christopher Bates – 76kg


Christopher Bates Net Worth
Christopher Bates Net Worth
Christopher Bates Net Worth
Christopher Bates Net Worth


At age 12, Chris Bates landed an extra role as one of the harvested humans in the very popular mini-series V. However, in the final cut of the movie, only his left arm was visible on the screen. After the V experience, Chris knew he wanted to give show business a try, but didnt want the whole left arm fiasco repeated. So he decided to try out …
Biography,Born and raised in Vancouver, Canada, Christopher Bates completed a Bachelor of Arts program at the University of British Columbia and went on to complete a Management Certificate in Marketing Communications at British Columbia Institute of Technology. After working in the Vancouver marketing industry for five years he moved to Milan to study Fashion Design at Istituto Marangoni. After graduating he founded the Christopher Bates brand in Canada in 2008 and has since relocated to Milan where he designs and oversees management operations


Wikipedia Source: Christopher Bates

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