Claire Chazal Net Worth


Claire Chazal Net Worth

How rich is Claire Chazal? For this question we spent 28 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $123,8 Million.



Claire Chazal information Birth date: December 1, 1956 Birth place: Thiers, Puy-de-D?me, France Height:5 5 (1.65 m) Profession:Actress, Writer Spouse:Xavier Couture (m. 2000–2003) Children:Fran?ois Chazal Poivre dArvor Siblings:Philippe Chazal

Height, Weight

:How tall is Claire Chazal – 1,71m.
How much weight is Claire Chazal – 63kg


Claire Chazal Net Worth
Claire Chazal Net Worth
Claire Chazal Net Worth
Claire Chazal Net Worth


Claire Chazal (pronounced: [kl??? ?azal]) (born 1 December 1956) is a French journalist, romance writer, and director of news at a national television station, TF1.She presents the news during the weekend since 1991, Anne-Claire Coudray substitutes for her when she is absent. Since 2010, she also presents Reportage at 1.30pm, after the news.She used to present Je/nous de Claire a talk-show on the gay television channel Pink TV that she helped start in 2004. (The title of this show puns on Le Genou de Claire, a French film known in English as Claire&#39, s Knee.) Chazal obtained an HEC School of Management diploma.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Claire Chazal

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