David McCourt Net Worth
How rich is David McCourt? For this question we spent 21 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.
The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $750 Million.
David McCourt information
Height, Weight
:How tall is David McCourt – 1,74m.
How much weight is David McCourt – 67kg
David McCourtDavid McCourt is an Irish-American entrepreneur with experience within the telecom and cable television industries. He grew up in Watertown, Massachusetts, and is a graduate of Georgetown University.In 1982 he founded McCourt Cable Systems, his first company. McCourt was an early contributor to the development of transatlantic fiber networks. He has founded or bought 14 companies in seven countries. One of the first recipients of the C Flag award, recognizing his contribution to telecommunications, media, education, and humanitarian efforts.McCourt purchased the first independent TV station within the Caribbean Island of Grenada, Discovery TV. In 2005, McCourt won an Emmy for the childrens series Reading Rainbow and produced Miracles Boys on Nickelodeons new teenage network.His accomplishments also include being appointed as USC Annenberg School for Communication & Journalisms first resident economist. Mr. McCourt was also selected as the Entrepreneur of the Year by Ernst & Young LLP, as well as the top entrepreneur by the Harvard Business School Club of New York. He has served as Executive Producer, on the ten-part documentary series “Whats Going On?” which documented the impact of global conflict on children around the world.McCourt has served as a member of the board of the company that eventually became WorldCom and $30 million worth of its shares.Most recently, McCourt formed Satellite Holdings, LLC (a partnership between Granahan McCourt Capital and The Edgewater Funds) which focuses on acquisitions and mergers within in the satellite industry.McCourt currently serves as Chairman and CEO of Satellite Holdings LLC and its operating entity, Skyware Global.McCourts net worth is estimated at $750 million.
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Wikipedia Source: David McCourt