DJ Disk Net Worth 2024 Update – Short bio, age, height, weight


DJ Disk Net Worth

How rich is DJ Disk? For this question we spent 12 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Musicians
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $67,5 Million.



DJ Disk information Birth date: 1970-10-07 Profession:Soundtrack, Actor, Composer

Height, Weight

:How tall is DJ Disk – 1,65m.
How much weight is DJ Disk – 89kg


DJ Disk Net Worth
DJ Disk Net Worth
DJ Disk Net Worth
DJ Disk Net Worth


DJ Disk is a San Francisco Bay Area turntablist of Panamanian, Colombian, and Nicaraguan descent. Born Luis Quintanilla on October 7, 1970, in San Francisco, Disk began scratching and mixing vinyl at a young age. In 1992 he joined his long-time friend DJ Q-bert among the Rock Steady Crew DJs, later changing the groups name to the Invisibl Skratch Piklz.As a founding member of the Invisibl Skratch Piklz, Disk has been an enormously influential DJ and is credited with inventing the 2 Click Orbit, The Crab, the echo fade technique and the 2 Click Flare Lazer Orbit techniques. He was later a founding member of El Stew, which, according to Allmusic, dealt with the more experimental side of electronic music.In addition to extensive hip hop work with the Piklz and others, Disk has collaborated with a wide variety of musicians working in other genres, including Herbie Hancock, Bill Laswell, Buckethead, Zakir Hussain, Mike Patton, Norah Jones, Flava Flav, Rancid, and Jack DeJohnette. He has been involved in over seventy recordings, and has performed in over fifteen countries. While not on tour, he lives in his hometown of San Francisco where he records and teaches turntablism. DJ Disk says he originated the term turntablist (see competing claims).
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: DJ Disk

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