How much money makes Don Bexley? Net worth


Don Bexley Net Worth

How Much money Donald Thomas Bexley has? For this question we spent 24 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $195,2 Million.



Donald Thomas Bexley information Birth date: March 10, 1910, Jamestown, Virginia, United States Death date: April 15, 1997, Hampton, Virginia, United States Birth place: Jamestown, Virginia, USA Profession:ActorTV shows:Sanford Arms

Height, Weight

:How tall is Don Bexley – 1,81m.
How much weight is Don Bexley – 51kg


Don Bexley Net Worth
Don Bexley Net Worth
Don Bexley Net Worth
Don Bexley Net Worth


Donald Thomas Bexley (March 10, 1910 – April 15, 1997) was an American actor and comedian, best known for playing Fred Sanford (Redd Foxx)s friend Bubba Bexley on the 1970s television sitcom Sanford and Son. He was a standup comedian on the Chitlin Circuit as a solo act and as part of comedy teams, during which he became acquainted with Redd Foxx. Bexley recorded party albums with partner Dave Turner and worked constantly throughout the United States. His greatest exposure came from his Sanford and Son appearances. He appeared as the same character in the Sanford and Son spin-off series The Sanford Arms. His other television credits include Laverne & Shirley, Cheers, T.J. Hooker, Hunter and The Royal Family. He was the MC and comedian in the movie Sparkle. He retired from acting in the 1990s and returned to his native Virginia.Bexley had a close friendship with Redd Foxx, until Foxxs death in October 1991, and was an honorary pallbearer at Foxxs funeral.
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Wikipedia Source: Don Bexley

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