Don Carmody Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight


Don Carmody Net Worth

How rich is Donald Carmody? For this question we spent 10 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Producers
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $104,9 Million.



Donald Carmody information Birth date: April 16, 1951 Birth place: Providence, Rhode Island, United States Profession:Producer, Miscellaneous Crew, Production Manager Spouse:Catherine Gourdier (m. 1999)Awards:Golden Screen Award, Genie Award for Best Motion Picture Nominations:Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Television Movie

Height, Weight

:How tall is Don Carmody – 1,74m.
How much weight is Don Carmody – 89kg


Don Carmody Net Worth
Don Carmody Net Worth
Don Carmody Net Worth
Don Carmody Net Worth


Don Carmody (born in Rhode Island) is a film producer that started his own production company called Don Carmody Productions in 1980 and his credits include some 90 films thus far. He has produced such films as The Mighty, Yesterday, The Boondock Saints, Good Will Hunting and Chicago which won an Academy award in 2003 for Best Picture. He recently produced the film 45 R.P.M. He has also produced the video game to movie adaptions Resident Evil: Apocalypse, Silent Hill.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Don Carmody

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