How Much Is Donnie Keshawarz Worth?


Donnie Keshawarz Net Worth

How rich is Donnie Keshawarz? For this question we spent 22 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $42,2 Million.



Donnie Keshawarz information Birth date: July 30, 1969 Birth place: Guelph, Ontario, Canada Profession:Actor, Miscellaneous Crew

Height, Weight

:How tall is Donnie Keshawarz – 1,64m.
How much weight is Donnie Keshawarz – 78kg


Donnie Keshawarz Net Worth
Donnie Keshawarz Net Worth
Donnie Keshawarz Net Worth
Donnie Keshawarz Net Worth


Donnie Keshawarz (born July 30, 1969) is an American stage, film and television actor.He was born in Guelph, Ontario, Canada and is of Afghan descent. Keshawarz grew up in Jonesboro, AR and attended Arkansas State University, Rutgers University in New Jersey, and University of Missouri at Kansas City where he received his Bachelors and Masters degrees in Theater/Performing Arts.Since 1987, Keshawarz has appeared in numerous television roles, most notably in a recurring role in 2003 as Yusuf Auda on the television series 24 as well as a recurring role in the HBO series The Sopranos. He has also had TV roles in Law & Order, Lost, Sex and the City, Hack, Homeland among others.Professional stage performances are numerous.He has also appeared in several films, including Growing Down in Brooklyn and The Adjustment Bureau.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Donnie Keshawarz

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