Doug Church Net Worth 2024


Doug Church Net Worth

How rich is Doug Church? For this question we spent 21 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Celebrities
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $65,5 Million.



Doug Church information Birth date: 1968-11-16 Profession:Miscellaneous Crew, Visual Effects, Special Effects

Height, Weight

:How tall is Doug Church – 1,83m.
How much weight is Doug Church – 68kg


Doug Church Net Worth
Doug Church Net Worth
Doug Church Net Worth
Doug Church Net Worth


Doug Church, born Evanston, Illinois, on November 16, 1968, is an American computer game designer and producer. He attended MIT in the late 1980s, but left and went to work with Looking Glass Studios, when they were making primarily MS-DOS-based first-person adventure/shooter/roleplaying games, including Ultima Underworld, Ultima Underworld II, System Shock and Thief.Later, Church joined Eidos Interactive as technical director, lending programming and design expertise on a number of games from Ion Storm Inc. and Crystal Dynamics, including extensive design work on Tomb Raider: Legend. In 2005, he left Eidos to join Electronic Arts.In 2003, Church was given the International Game Developers Associations Community Contribution award, in part for his work as co-chair of the IGDAs educational committee developing relationships between the game industry and academia. He has also participated in many of the Indie Game Jams, including developing Angry God Bowling, the prototypical game for the first IGJ.From July 2005 to 2009, Church worked at Electronic Arts Los Angeles office, as team leader on a project supervised by filmmaker Steven Spielberg.On March 17, 2011, Valve Corporation announced that Church had been hired for an undisclosed position and project.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Doug Church

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