Edson Celulari Net Worth


Edson Celulari Net Worth

How rich is Edson Francisco Celulari? For this question we spent 10 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $210,7 Million.



Edson Francisco Celulari information Birth date: March 20, 1958 Birth place: Bauru, S?o Paulo, Brazil Height:6 0? (1.84 m) Profession:Actor, Soundtrack, Miscellaneous Crew Spouse:Cl?udia Raia (m. 1993–2010) Children:Enzo Celulari, Sophia Raia Parents:Edno Ferraz Celulari, Enoy Celulari

Height, Weight

:How tall is Edson Celulari – 1,68m.
How much weight is Edson Celulari – 64kg


Edson Celulari Net Worth
Edson Celulari Net Worth
Edson Celulari Net Worth
Edson Celulari Net Worth


Edson Celulari was born on March 20, 1958 in Bauru, S?o Paulo, Brazil as Edson Francisco Celulari. He is an actor, known for Beleza Pura (2008), Am?rica (2005) and P?ginas da vida (2006). He has been married to Cl?udia Raia since February 7, 1994. They have two children.
Biography,Celulari was member of Porao 7 ,an amateur theater company from Sao Carlos. When he was 16 years old, he moved to Sao Paulo to study at the University of Sao Paulos Escola de Arte Dramatica (Dramatic Art School). Celulari debuted on television in 1978, on TV Tupis telenovela Salario Minimo. Since then Celulari acted in several TV, film and stage productions.He was married to fellow actress Claudia Raia from 1993 to 2010. They acted together in the telenovelas Deus nos Acuda and Torre de Babel.


Wikipedia Source: Edson Celulari

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