How rich is Elizabeth Short? Net Worth, Money


Elizabeth Short Net Worth

Elizabeth Short how much money? For this question we spent 11 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $11,4 Million.



Elizabeth Short information Birth date: July 29, 1924 Death date: 1947-01-15 Birth place: Hyde Park, Boston, Massachusetts, United States Height:5 6 (1.68 m) Parents:Phoebe Mae Sawyer, Cleo Short

Height, Weight

:How tall is Elizabeth Short – 1,63m.
How much weight is Elizabeth Short – 52kg


Elizabeth Short Net Worth
Elizabeth Short Net Worth
Elizabeth Short Net Worth
Elizabeth Short Net Worth


The Black Dahlia was a nickname given to Elizabeth Short (July 29, 1924 – c. January 15, 1947), an American woman who was the victim of a gruesome and much-publicized murder. Short acquired the moniker posthumously by newspapers in the habit of nicknaming crimes they found particularly lurid. Short was found mutilated, her body sliced in half at the waist, on January 15, 1947, in Leimert Park, Los Angeles, California. Shorts unsolved murder has been the source of widespread speculation, leading to many suspects, along with several books and film adaptations of the story. Shorts murder is one of the oldest unsolved murder cases in Los Angeles history.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Elizabeth Short

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